Please tell me what I need to know for your visit
Hi folks, to make our visit a complete success, I need some details about you and the child(ren). So, to help me make my visit as convincing as possible, please provide the following information for each child. I can send you a form for completion on request.
Name (nickname?)
Favourite pet?
Best friend
School, Teacher, etc.?
Plays – sport, instrument?
Do you have an elf in the house? If so, what is his or her name?
Last year’s favourite present?
Any recent achievements/ good deeds?
Favourite TV show?
Are you home or away for Christmas? If away, where?
Present list/ letter already sent to Santa?
Please provide the following information to help my reindeer find your home and to help us stay in touch. *
Post Code
Telephone number
*Please note: To avoid crowds and undue disruption, my reindeer will not actually come to your home during my visit.
Tags: Father Christmas, home visit, information